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  5. List Report

List Report

A list report is the most basic type of report that can be created using dotnet Report Builder. Once you have clicked on the “List” button on the “Choose Report Type” section, the next step is to select the fields that will be in the report.


The fields that will populate the report can be found in the “Choose Data for Report” section. Click on the “Choose Section…” drop down to reveal the list of available tables in your database.


Depending on how your database is set up, different information will be stored in different tables. Users can choose fields from more than one section to populate their report. The fields selected for the report will be summarized in the “Selected data for the Report” section as shown below. The table shows the fields that were chosen, as well as the tables from which the fields were chosen.


For the List report type, the “Selected data for the Report” section allows users to further customize report with the three buttons on the right side list6


All these options allow end-users to create highly customized reports to meet their needs.

Running a List Report

After clicking “Save & Run Report”, the List Report will be displayed as shown below. In the example below, a list sales report is generated to track customer orders or various products. A Filter on the Fly was also created to allow users to run this report for different time periods.


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