dotnet Report builder is smart enough to keep the integrity of your database schema by knowing the primary keys and foreign keys. dotnet Report also empowers you to select primary keys, foreign keys, display or not display a column and manage user roles with a user friendly interface.
On the setup screen, you can see the primary keys of tables in schema are already tagged. You can access additional setup options for a column by clicking the … button next to a column.
You can change the primary, or setup foreign keys as needed. It also allows you to change the data type and display label of a specific column.
dotnet Report builder also provides you the power to assign foreign keys, select foreign table, the join type with the foreign table, foreign key field and foreign value field by just few simple clicks.
In the above image you can now see the tags of foreign key which we just added to the schema.
We can also setup joins of multiple tables on the basis of matching columns to create relation between those tables. Start this by clicking the Relations tab
In the Relations tab, you can add joins to specify the relations ships between your tables which are necessary to generate reports. You can add a join by simply clicking the Add new Join button.
Here you can specify the Primary table, Field/Column of the primary table on which you want to create the join, type of the join, Join table and the field/column of the join table by which you want to join both tables. After specifying all the joins of the schema, simply click Save Joins button.
That it, you have successfully set up the schema of your database in dotnet Report. Now you can create any type of reports and include columns from different tables, and dotnet Report will join them correctly.