Version v3.1.2, 6/14/2020, Key Updates
- Added “Sort Descending” flag in edit Report.
- Export to Excel date format changed to mm/dd/yyyy.
- Numeric column headers are also right aligned.
Version v3.1.0, 5/10/2020, Key Updates
- Added Compare Series Feature. Now users can compare previous Year or Months Data on the same chart when grouped by Date.
- Export to PDF option added. Users can now export to pdf similar to the Export to Excel feature.
- Page Size selection is available in Rendered Report.
- WebForms version updated to use Bootstrap V4.
Version v3.0.3, 2/15/2020, Key Updates
- Fixed Sub Totals Issue, previously sub totals were not showing correctly.
- Added Dashboard to WebForms version.
Version v3.0.0, 9/8/2019, Key Updates
- Allow users to create multiple Dashboards, and also restrict Dashboard access by User/Roles
- Allow users to drag and Resize/Arrange Dashboard items
- Allow users to select Reports for a dashboard within the Dashboard page
- Moved dotnet Report initialization to C# Controller instead of JavaScript. This increases security as api keys are not exposed in front end.
- All Ajax calls from JavaScript do not call the service directly anymore, and instead call a proxy method inside the controller. This method calls dotnet Report Service after appending API keys and current user/roles, therefore increasing security.