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Introducing Analytics as a Service for the SaaS Market

Understanding your customer base is one of the most important aspects of any business venture. 

With so many marketing channels available, it can be hard to pick which are the most effective in reaching your target audience, as well as which tactics have already reached their potential and may need to be dropped or changed to reach new customers and retain old ones. 

Analytics as a service for the SaaS market hopes to streamline this process by allowing you to take advantage of tried-and-true tactics that have been proven successful through data collection from other companies in the same industry, rather than having to spend time and resources on trial and error.

Investing in web analytics tools can seem like an unnecessary expenditure if you’re not sure how it will benefit your company in the long run. 

However, as more companies jump on the SaaS bandwagon, they’re discovering that the investment pays off quickly and provides valuable insights into their most profitable customers and how to better serve them. 

Introducing Analytics as a Service for the SaaS Market , will help those who are considering this strategy, or are already using it, discover how to make their marketing data work harder for them and learn about key metrics that every SaaS business should be paying attention to.

This blog is a brief introduction of the Analytics as a Service (AAAS) business model that has gained popularity in the software-as-a-service (SaaS) market, and an overview of how this new business model has transformed the analytics industry.

Let’s delve into analytics as a service SaaS Market. 

What are Analytics as a Service?

Analytical as a Service is an extensible analytical platform delivered via a cloud-based delivery mechanism, with a variety of data analytics tools available and configurable by the user to efficiently handle and analyse large amounts of heterogeneous data.

Customers will give the platform their corporate data and receive real and more usable analytic insights in return.

Analytical Apps, which coordinate concrete data analysis procedures, create these analytic insights.

These workflows are created by combining a variety of services that apply analytical algorithms, many of which are based on Machine Learning ideas. External, ‘curated’ data sources might supplement the information given by the user.

Why Use Analytics as a Service

In today’s connected and internet-driven world, customers are bombarded with information at every turn. 

To keep your customers coming back to you, it’s crucial to understand how they use your product and how they interact with it. 

Today, companies of all sizes are turning to software-as-a-service (SaaS) providers like dotnetreport that offer analytics platforms that deliver insights on customer behavior and performance.

Unless you have an analytics team dedicated to tracking, measuring and reporting on your digital assets and campaigns, it can be tough to keep track of what’s working and what isn’t. 

Fortunately, more affordable solutions are popping up in anticipation of that demand.

Companies that rely on data from a variety of sectors are increasingly turning to AaaS to meet their analytic needs.

Companies with stronger IT teams may turn to AaaS for more basic descriptive analytics, which their own data scientists can then decipher.

Companies with less established IT skills, on the other hand, may employ AaaS for more complicated predictive and prescriptive analytics.

Retail is a good example of a sector that has adopted AaaS.

The industry generates petabytes of data from hundreds of touchpoints—websites, mailing lists, in-store sales, mobile POS, and more—and must sift and interpret it on a regular basis in order to increase revenue.

On-premise analytics for these businesses might be expensive due to the need for teams of data scientists.

AaaS is guiding future process and product choices by merging structured and unstructured data into a unified data narrative and utilising Machine Learning and AI to infer customer journeys, preferences, and purchase patterns.

Most significantly, it makes analytics accessible to every team member without having a thorough grasp of analytics or the technology that underpins it.

Difficulties of Having Analytics in the Cloud 

Additional issues arise when analytic systems must support Big Data services. This is especially true if the services are to be supplied through a cloud environment.

ILM (Information Lifecycle Management)

The entire analytical pipeline may become highly complicated, with several key steps: data collection, data modeling, data mining, and visualisation.

Unlike transactional solutions, which are more rigid, analytics need a flexible strategy to respond to all of this potential fluctuation.

Data Volume 

It is difficult to process large amounts of data, even when technology exists to do so. 

It can be difficult to move large amounts of data to a cloud solution, and it is sometimes much faster to bring processing to where the data is.


For particular types of data, privacy concerns may have an influence on cloud analytics’ potential – not just because of the data itself, but also because of the possibility that data may not remain anonymous after analysis.

Therefore, it is particularly important that you take the time to understand which provider you are choosing and what their privacy policies are. 


Security is a challenging issue in any cloud solution, as it is in any other.

Some businesses may be hesitant to send data to the cloud owing to data security or legal concerns, but they might benefit from the analytical capabilities provided by a private cloud.

Real-Time Analytics 

As the usefulness of analytics grows, so does the desire for faster insights, leading to the notion of real-time analytics.

Even if we’re only talking about soft real-time here, this has a significant influence on how a cloud system is built to manage these demands.

Benefits of Analytics as a Service SaaS Market 

The analytics-as-a-service (AaaS) industry is estimated to reach $101.29 billion by 2026, according to Verified Market Research.

Managed services providers may help enterprises get started on their analytics journey right away using AaaS, without having to invest a lot of money.

Managed service providers can handle a company’s urgent data analytics demands, fix recurring issues, and integrate new data sources to manage dashboard visualisations, reporting, and predictive modelling, allowing businesses to make data-driven choices on a daily basis.

When a firm works with an managed service provider for analytics as a service, they may get business insight quickly, simply, and at a lower cost of ownership than if they did it in-house. This frees up the organisation to focus on improving client experiences, making smarter decisions, and developing data-driven initiatives.

Customizing Consumer Experiences 

Businesses may acquire customer data in a variety of ways to improve their marketing strategy. E-commerce, social networking, and surveys are examples of these channels.

But what good is data if it isn’t put into practice? Analytics as a service aids in the creation of a comprehensive customer profile based on data, which in turn aids businesses in gaining insights into consumer behavior.

This information can be utilized to improve service delivery.

More informed Decision-Making 

Analytics as a service assists organizations in making more informed decisions while also lowering expenditures and financial losses.

They aid in predicting the consequences of various market, business, and viewpoint changes on the industry.

This foresight enables businesses to respond to developments intelligently.

Streamline Operations 

With analytics as a service, you may increase the efficiency of your organization.

This is how it works: 

1. Examine facts and rationale for several departments. 

2. Foreseeing potential issues 

3. Presenting problem-solving options

By forecasting demand estimates and streamlining procedures, analytics as a service can help a firm prevent future difficulties and delays.

How an established embedded analytics vendor can help

Building out self-service analytics tools in your SaaS product requires significant development effort if you opt to build it from scratch internally. This is difficult and expensive if your developers lack the necessary skill set – not to mention security and compliance considerations. How can an established embedded analytics vendor help? By experienced developers who are skilled in working with data, designing user-friendly interfaces, and ensuring that data is secure. In addition, an established vendor will already have a product that meets all the necessary security and compliance requirements.

As a result, opting for an embedded analytics solution from an established vendor can save you a considerable amount of time and money.

SaaS products are increasingly incorporating analytics capabilities to give users the ability to surface actionable insights from their data. However, building out these capabilities in-house can be a significant strain on resources, especially if it’s not a core focus of the product. Adopting a third-party embedded analytics solution can help to ease this burden while also introducing a number of advanced features that would be difficult to replicate in-house.

An established vendor will have a robust platform that can integrate seamlessly with your software and provide users with the ability to easily visualize and interact with data in new ways. This can ultimately help to improve Engagement, Retention and Churn for your SaaS product.

Embedded BI tools such as DotnetReport specializes in enabling product teams to quickly and easily create analytics and reporting modules for any SaaS app. This gives product teams the ability to surface valuable data and insights directly within their app, without the need for users to switch to a separate BI tool.

Embedded analytics also offers a number of advantages for SaaS providers, including increased customer engagement and stickiness, as well as the ability to upsell customers on premium features. For these reasons, embedded BI is an increasingly popular option for SaaS providers looking to give their users access to powerful data and insights.

In Conclusion 

Analytics as a Service saas market allow data scientists, developers, and business users to easily deploy analytics applications and projects without the need for large upfront technological expenditures.

All of the advantages of on-premises data analytics programs are delivered in a highly accessible, user-friendly environment with these on-demand solutions.

dotnet Report Builder is headed by software developers who are committed to giving other software developers with a quick, easy, and secure reporting and analytics solution.

Our Ad Hoc Report Builder has a number of built-in capabilities for quickly building reports for your end users that are both helpful and popular, such as automated drill down reports, scheduling reporting, and PDF export.

It includes a modern design that allows users to create reports quickly and intuitively, as well as a powerful reporting engine that generates attractive and relevant reports.

DotNetReport is a leading provider of embedded analytics services, and we’re here to help you make the most of the benefits of BI white-labeling. Our team of experts can help you integrate analytics into your software in a way that enhances your users’ experience, while still maintaining the look and feel of your product. We’ll work with you to understand your needs and objectives, and then create a tailored solution that meets those needs.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you embed analytics into your software and improve your users’ experience.

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