Statistics are a vital part of understanding the world around us. They help us to make sense of data and can be used to inform decisions about everything from personal finances to public policy.
However, statistics can also be manipulated to achieve a desired outcome. Manipulated statistics are becoming increasingly common in the business world as people attempt to use statistics to support their own agendas.
The failure to identify them at the right time can have disastrous consequences. With the vast amount of statistics that businesses have to deal with, it can be difficult to spot manipulated statistics.
However, there are some red flags that you can look for. If you suspect that a statistic has been manipulated, it’s important to investigate further.
Are you wondering how to identify statistics that have been manipulated? In this blog post, we will share some proven tips and tricks to recognize manipulated statistics.
What Are Manipulated Statistics?

Manipulated statistics are a type of statistical data that has been deliberately altered in order to produce a desired result. This practice is often used in order to make a particular point or argument more persuasive.
While manipulated data statistics can be found in all types of settings, they are especially common in the business discourse.
Five Examples Of Misuse Of Statistics

Statistics are often misused to persuade people. Here are five examples of misuse of statistics that can be used for one’s benefit or personal agenda.
- A politician might say that crime has decreased by X percent since they came into office. However, they could be cherry-picking the data, only looking at specific types of crime or a certain time period.
- A business might claim that its product is X percent more effective than the competition. However, they could be basing this claim on a small study with biased results.
- Someone might try to convince you that a certain treatment is X percent effective. However, they could be using bad statistics graphs or data from a study with small sample size.
- Using faulty comparisons has become a common way to manipulate statistics. Comparing the unemployment rate of two countries without taking into account their different population sizes.
- Making false claims about causation is another common tactic to manipulate statistics. Claiming that a certain economic policy caused an increase in employment, without any evidence to back up this claim.
Now that you are familiar with the examples of misuse of statistics, the next time you hear someone using statistics, be sure to question where the data is coming from and whether or not it’s being used correctly.
Six Ways To Identify Manipulated Statistics

The problem with statistics is that they can easily be tweaked to support an individual’s claims. There’s a good chance you’ve been manipulated by statistics at some point in your life.
Whether it’s politicians cherry-picking data to support their claims, businesses using bad statistics graphs to sell products, or even friends and family members sharing inaccurate information on social media, it’s important to be aware of the ways that people can distort numbers to suit their needs.
So how can you tell when you’re being fed manipulated statistics? Here are six red flags to watch out for.
1. Look Out For Outliers
Statistics that have been manipulated are often easy to spot if you know what to look for. One telltale sign is the presence of outliers.
Outliers are data points that are far removed from the rest of the data set. They can be either positive or negative, but they usually stand out because they’re so different from the rest of the data.
When one or two data points are significantly higher or lower than the rest of the set, it can skew the results.
Be wary of anyone who is trying to downplay the importance of outliers, or who is cherry-picking data points to support their argument.
2. Analyze Anecdotal Evidence
If you’re looking for red flags that stats have been manipulated, it’s important to analyze anecdotal evidence.
Just because someone you know had a positive experience with a product doesn’t mean that it’s universally great.
In fact, personal anecdotes are often unreliable and shouldn’t be used to make decisions about things like investments or health care.
3. Never Reply On Small Sample Sizes
If a recent study makes headlines that claim that people who eat breakfast are more likely to be overweight.
However, upon closer inspection, it becomes clear that the study was based on a very small data set – only 38 people were surveyed. It is important to realize that the results might have been skewed to support the hypothesis.
It’s important to be skeptical of any conclusions drawn from small data sets. This is especially true if the sample isn’t representative of the larger population (for example, if it only includes men when trying to make conclusions about women).
4. Avoid Confirmation Bias
We’re more likely to believe information that confirms our existing beliefs and ideas. To identify data manipulation, make sure you don’t fall prey to confirmation bias.
In the business world, this can be dangerous because data can be manipulated to support a particular point of view.
For example, let’s say you’re trying to decide whether or not to invest in a certain company.
You might look for information that confirms your existing beliefs about the company (e.g., they’re doing well financially, they have a strong product, etc.) while ignoring information that contradicts those beliefs (e.g., they’re losing money, their product is inferior to others on the market).
The problem with statistics is that if someone wants you to believe something that isn’t true, they can cherry-pick data that supports their claim while leaving out contradictory data.
So it’s important to be aware of our own confirmation bias and make sure we’re looking at all the evidence before making any decisions.
5. Check Data Source
In some cases, this manipulation is done deliberately in order to deceive people. In other cases, it may be done unintentionally due to errors or biases.
Either way, it is important to be vigilant and to thoroughly check the data source before accepting any information as fact.
When evaluating a data source, there are a few key things to look for.
- Consider the source’s credibility. Who collected the data? What are their qualifications? Are they reputable?
- Look at the methods used to collect the data. Was the sample size large enough? Was the sample representative of the population? Were any biases introduced during data collection?
If you take the time to carefully evaluate a data source, you can help ensure that you’re getting accurate information.
6. Time Of Release
If you want to be sure that the statistical data you’re looking at is accurate, you need to pay attention to the time of its release.
Manipulation of data is more likely to occur closer to the release date, so if you can wait until after the data has been released, you’ll have a better chance of getting accurate information.
For example, if a company is releasing data that is beneficial to them, they may release it at a time when it will have the most impact.
Conversely, if a company is releasing data that is not beneficial to them, they may release it at a time when it will have less impact.
Therefore, it is important to consider the time of release when looking at statistical data.
Partner With DotNet Report To Generate Accurate Statistical Reports
If you’re looking for a way to generate accurate, unbiased statistical reports for your business, partner with DotNet Report.
With our unparalleled features, we can help you create data visualizations that are based on solid statistical data, not manipulation or guesswork.
Why Choose DotNet Report?
- Stunning Data Visualizations
With DotNet Report, you can create insightful graphs, charts, and dashboards that will help you gain insight into your business.
You can customize your reports to include the information that’s most important to you, and share them with others in your organization.
- Open-Source Front End
At DotNet Report, we provide our users with an open-source front end so that they can add customizations to the layout and features according to their requirements.
We believe that this is the best way to provide our users with the flexibility and control they need to create the perfect report.
- Confidentiality
We understand that not every statistical report is meant to be shared across the organization, therefore we provide our users with multi-tenant client support that restricts viewing access to authorized individuals and ensures data confidentiality.
With our years of experience and expertise, we can help you get the most out of your data and make better decisions for your business.
Schedule a demo today to learn more about how we can help you create better data visualizations.
Final Thoughts
As we come to the end of this guide, it is important to remember the main points we have covered. Manipulated statistics can be very dangerous, and can lead to false conclusions being drawn about important issues. It is therefore crucial that we can identify them.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can statistics be easily manipulated?
Statistics can easily be manipulated to support any argument. All one has to do is cherry-pick the data that supports their claim and ignore the rest.
It is why it’s important to always question the source of any statistics you see. Just because a statistic exists doesn’t mean it’s accurate or representative of the whole picture.
2. What are the 2 statistical variables you can manipulate?
There are a few different statistical variables that you can manipulate to get the results that you want. The first is the type of data that you use. This can be either quantitative or qualitative.
The second statistical variable that you can manipulate is the level of measurement. This refers to how the data is divided up. There are four levels of measurement: nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio.