Dotnet Report Builder has many uses. It is primarily for programmers or software vendors who want to add Ad-Hoc Report Generating capabilities within their Software Application.
If your clients keep requesting new Reports, and your programmers have to code and create it for them, dotnet Report Builder can save your Company time and money by allowing Customers to generate most reports on their own. If you use SSRS (SQL Server Reporting) or other services that charge by CPU cores, you can avoid expensive licensing fees.
dotnet Report Builder can also be used for in house Database or a single Application for the same purpose, to easily create Reports.
No, we do not at any time need access or have access to your database or it’s records. You do have to setup some basic information about your database schema in our Admin section, which we have access to and our system uses to generate SQL statements for the Reports. However, those SQL statements are executed inside your application, and we we never have access to your database connection.
dotnet Report Builder generates standard SQL Statements, so it can work with any SQL database. The default code is for .Net’s Microsoft SQL Server Provider, but it can be easily changed to use .Net’s Oracle or Access provider, or to the standard ODBC Connection Provider. Most of our clients use MS SQL or MySQL.
Yes, you can Download the report in Excel or PDF, and print it also. The report data is available in your code base in a SQL data table, so you can code export methods in your application if needed.
The front end code is open source, and complete C# and JS code installs with the nuget package. This code is for the Report Designer and the Report itself, and you can make some changes to it per your requirements. However, the Service code is not open source and is not available to the Developers.
Dotnet Report takes a completely different approach to SSRS and other similar solutions like Telerik Reporting or Active Reports, where the developer has to code a stored procedure and then design each report from scratch. Our Ad Hoc Reporting solution takes a very different approach, where you can easily add our intuitive and friendly report builder in your Enterprise Software Application, and then your developers or users can design the reports inside dotnet Report. See this article for more details.